1210, Essex Villas. Woca Wood Lye with polyurethane lacquer

Polyurethane lacquer over Woca Wood Lye is possible, but the application of lye must be perfectly even and you must consider the likely yellowing of lacquer over time. A second consideration is a tendency of people to over apply wood lye in trying to achieve an opaque whiteness. This technique may work when followed up by white oil BUT when following up with waterborne lacquer this may well dissolve the excess lye and result in patchiness. In these images the wood lye was washed off the floor prior to lacquering. We also consider that clients will have access to any and all brands of lacquer as well as their primers. We, therefore, have no control as to final colouring or adhesions since the client by this time is very much off-piste. With this in mind we recommend the Wood Lye to be finished with our own supply of Linea Natural Parquet or Quartier UV-Filtering Magnum lacquer.