
Showing posts from May, 2023

3438, country house Norfolk. Element 7 Lunar Larch. Factory prepared then deep cleaned and double white oiled on site.


3432, Ladbroke Square. Sanded wood coloured using WS Jenkins oil stains and finished with 3 applications Hesse 5216 oil resin. DC089

This project was a colour matching project. this is the floor before  

3429, country house Guernsey. Element 7 Nero Oak factory prepared. Deep cleaned and double oiled with Dane Care Paks oil mix on site.


3425, BBC Television apartment. Sanded and refinished. Primed with natural Woca Master Colour Oil and finsihed using 2 applications Hesse 5216. DC089


3596, apartment BBC Television, Wood Lane. Sanded oak. Prepared with Ciranova Reactive Stain NT Mud. Finished with 3 applications Linea ODL.

BBC Television  

3394, Eaton Place. Multiple repairs to areas where walls and electric boxes removed. Sanding. Prepared with Ciranova Reactive Stain NT Torched and Woca MCO natural oil. Finished with Osmo Polyx 3032 satin.


3394, Eaton Place. Staircase. Sanding. Prepared with Ciranova Reactive Stain NT Torched and Woca MCO natural oil. Finished with Osmo Polyx 3032 satin.


3398, corporate office Savile Row. Sanded oak. Prepared with Woca Wood Lye. Finished with 2 applications Dane Care super-white oil. DC009 & DC025


3387, Wilby Mews. Oak supplied and fitted by Bernard Dru oak. Bleached with an A/B system. Prepared with Woca Wood Lye. Finished with 2 applications Dane Care super-white oil. DC009 & DC025


3382, Lincolns Inn Fields, Royal College Of Surgeons library. Original pine. Sanding. Prepared with a very light colour wash and Woca Multi Primer. Finished with applications Bona Traffic HD matt

The working process  

3319, Netherton Grove. Sanded. Prepared with Dane Care 24443 stain and a mix of Woca Master Colour Oils. Finished with Osmo Polyx 3062 matt.

Before After  

3199, apartment in the Plimsoll buidling, Handyside Street. Sanded oak. Prepared with Woca Wood Lye. Finished with Dane Care super-white oil. DC009 & DC025


3151, Kiddepore Avenue, sanded wood prepared with natural Woca Master Colour Oil and finished with Hesse 5216 nr 4 sheen. Kit DC089.


3027, Warrington Cresent, Sanded oak during the process of staining with 874 water based stain, oil priming with Woca MCO 120 black and finished with Osmo Polyx Satin.


2963, Inverness Gardens, Element 7 Sachs Grey oak parquet. Cleaned and commissioned with Woca Master Care. Kit Clean & Care 699973UKM


2962, Prince Albert Road, Element 7 AE Nero. Cleaned and commissioned with Woca Master Care. Kit Clean & Care 699973UKM


2899, Aylesbury Street, an aged oak floor deep cleaned and reoiled. Kit DC046.


2783, country house in Shropshire, sanding to reoil with natural Woca Worktop Oil an aged worktop. Kit DC029.

  Before After Before After

2682, Princedale Road, Douglas Fir. Deep cleaning and reapplication of white Faxe Wooden Floor soap.
